
Counter COVID-19 Documents Arabic Version Translated by Arabic Department, SFL-PKU


     Recently, the eletronic version of the 1st and 2nd Volumes of "Counter COVID-19 Documents Arabic Version", translated and compiled by Department of Arabic Language and Culture, School of Foreign Languages at Peking University, was completed。This project aims to share China's experience in fighting against COVID-19 with Arab countries through their universities and research institutions, as well as strengthening cooperation with universities in the Arab world in areas of medicine and health care. The translated documents are as follows:



     1. Arabic Version of Prevention and Control Plan of COVID-19 (6th Edition), formulated by China’s National Health Commission, and released officially on March 7, 2020, translated and compilde by Department of Arabic Language and Culture, SFL-PKU. Click the following picture to read the full text:



    2. 《医疗机构内新型冠状病毒感染预防与控制技术指南(第一版)》,由国家卫生健康委员会制定并于2020年1月23日正式发布,由北京大学外国语学院阿拉伯语系组织编译。点击下方图片阅读全文:

   2. Arabic Version of Prevention and Control Plan of COVID-19 (1st Edition), formulated by China’s National Health Commission, and released officially on January 23, 2020, translated and compilde by Department of Arabic Language and Culture, SFL-PKU. Click the following picture to read the full text: